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The 2013 International Marquetry Exhibition

Held at Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire from 25th May to 1st June 2013

Our own David Walker has won a Highly Commended award in the Premier Class at the 2013 International Marquetry Exhibition with his marquetry piece entitled "A Blast from the Past" (with thanks to Anova Books for permission to reproduce the picture). The picture drew lots of attention when our editorial team visited the exhibition recently - and we can't say we were at all surprised as it it a very good picture as you can see in the photo below.

There are also a couple more examples of Redbridge pieces in the other photos:

Daves Blast from the Past picture

Above: "A Blast from the Past" bottom right

More Redbridge Pictures

Above: "Open Doors" by David Walker

Butterfly Picture

Above: "Marsh Fritillaries" by David Walker

We thought you would like to see more of David's brilliant marquetry as exhibited at the 2013 International Marquetry Exhibition. All of these pieces were exhibited in the Premier Class. The high quality of these pictures just goes to show the fantastic pictorial quality marquetry has reached these days. Most impressive to say the least!